Biased Interpretations and Nonsense or the Objective Truth?
History: A subject often debated and declared as nonsense because of its lack of clear answers. I mean would you believe the...
Literature - The Mirror of Society and Its Values?
When was the last time you read a book and saw yourself in the protagonist? Have you ever read a book and directly related to the plot or...
OMG, You And Your Texts Are Killing The English Language - Or Are They?
Tbh, omg, dw, np, lol, lmk. Did you understand what any of these seemingly randomly placed letters meant? If yes, welcome to the 21st...
Superior Languages - "Pretty" Italian vs. "Ugly" German
Have you ever heard someone praise the beauty of the Italian language? Or complain about the harshness of German? Maybe you have even...
Can embryonic stem cells be used to treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the patient’s ability to control their movement (PDF, n.d.). The disease...
Beginner's Guide: Making Creative Work A Success
Remixes: they adapt, they copy, they reference, sometimes they fail and sometimes they're incredibly successful. In recent years we have...
Getting to New York With a Snowflake?
According to the free dictionary (The Free Dictionary, n.d.) a Koch snowflake is “a fractal which can be constructed by a recursive...
Learning The Code to Open the Door to Your Future
What are your reading this on? A phone? A computer? Well, no matter what it is, it has 100% used the language of code to enable you to...
Are Arguments Healthy?
Have you ever been in an argument that helped you learn? An argument that made you understand someone else's view? Most of you hopefully...
Surviving In The Middle of The Ocean - PDW Reflection
A boat stranded in the middle of the dutch sea. The task: feed the crew and your boat squad, keep the boat clean and somehow keep it...