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Are Arguments Healthy?

Have you ever been in an argument that helped you learn? An argument that made you understand someone else's view? Most of you hopefully answered those questions with yes because those kind of arguments are what makes our community healthy and work better. However, to what extent are they essential for a healthy community?

Firstly, what even is a healthy community? I personally think a healthy community is a place where everyone is respected and everyone accepts other people's opinions although they might not fully agree or even completely disagree with them. Besides this point another essential part of a healthy community is the engagement of everyone involved and the development of such.

Arguments play a very important role in creating said community. Through the process of arguing we can present our viewpoint to other people, show them our opinion and help them learn something they might not have known before. The other way around we can also learn a lot by hearing the other person's point which could maybe change our minds or help us develop our own ideas.

Therefore, arguing is highly essential for a healthy community because it boosts the engagement of all members, helps us accept and be aware of other people's opinions through listening to their arguments and helps us develop the community by putting ideas out there. In conclusion, I think arguments are highly essential for a community in order to function the right way.

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