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A Hitchcockian Group Project - A Guide To Success

A knife. A woman. A shower. And a murderer. You are most likely thinking of one of the most iconic movies of all time right now: Psycho. Alfred Hitchcock made the movie so suspenseful by using different techniques and angles that are still used in films today. We, ourselves, tried having a go at these whilst creating a short film highlighting the importance of Academic Honesty. Our movie titled ‘Dial A for Honesty’ is as you can tell by the title was inspired by Hitchcock’s ‘Dial M for Murder’ Check it out here!

The making of this film included a lot of steps and planning that we did in a short period of time. We only had 5 hours to plan, film and edit our work which was quite a challenging task but by working as a team and managing our time we completed all of the tasks on time and met the deadline. Anna, Jasmin and I started off the process by choosing the movie and planning out the scenes in detail including the type of angles we were going to use. This was very helpful since it helped us to make sure that we’re using as many techniques and angles as we could such as a Bird’s Eye View, a Worm’s Eye View, etc. During the planning stage we were on task, split the work up cleverly and therefore got everything done that we had planned on finishing in this time. You can see evidence of our planning in the storyboard to the right. That was sadly the last part I was involved in during the making of the movie because I got sick and therefore missed the lessons. At this point I just want to give a big thank you to Anna and Jasmin for completing the filming and editing so well and so quickly.

However, during the time I was there we worked together really well. During the task I sometimes got distracted but my team and the time pressure always got me back on task which is why I think our group work was so effective. I am most proud of the detail we included in the storyboard because it really shows what we had in mind for this movie and what we wanted to achieve. The angles we used I am also really proud of because we used so many different ones which helped the plot and the tension. Again, a big thank you to Anna and Jasmin. Working together with the two of you was amazing and taught me a lot about group work and time management.

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